
Scripture Power

Layne was home sick yesterday. He was coughing so bad he was throwing up, he seems to get this cough every year. He is always so active when he is sick, we can't keep him in bed or even on the couch, he just wants to play. This makes it hard to keep his germs away from the rest of us. So in a few days we should all be suffering.

We had family home evening early last night, at 4:30. Jarom was telling the story of Moroni in the Book of Mormon. We were minutes into the story, I had just asked Layne a question to check for comprehension. Jarom went on maybe 30 seconds more and asked him another question. When he didn't answer right away we turned to look at him and he was fast asleep. So he does need extra rest like everybody else when he is sick, he just needs the peace the Book of Mormon brings to drift off to dream land.


Leading Lady Lis said...

Hmmmmmmmmmmm...I'm ashamed to say that I may have experienced that "peace" myself a time or two....

Adorable kids!

Thanks for checking out the blog!

Anonymous said...


I love your blog and that story.

Rob Bagley