
Rollin' in the Dough

My kids are mad about dough, it never gets old... well, it does but they still play with it. We have to sneak it in the garbage while they are sleeping and hope they don't remember in the morning. Brik asks almost daily if I have any dough, then if I will make him some.

They used to just make a really big mess.

Love that curl, I miss that.

Now things have become sofisticated. They are involved in the mixing, setting the timer and waiting for it to be done.

They roll it out, cut it with cookie cutters, let it rise and even bake it, thanks to this 10 year old Easy Bake Oven from their Aunt Katie.

Layne has gone a step further in wanting the family to eat his confections. Brik and him with eat them like they are really cookies. Last week Layne announced with profound insight that his cookies taste like mom's bread. Jarom and I pretend to eat the goods that are cooked at 200 degrees for the amount of time that spans a five year olds attention, laced with buggers and all the dirt that can stick to it from being dropped on the floor time and time again. Yet, they are always delicious. Tonight Layne made us rolls to go with our pizza.


Angie said...

That is cute. My kids like to eat the raw dough, gross!!

Diane said...

Kara, I love these pictures and this blog thing. Mom

Cardigan Empire said...

That is absolutely adorable. Tell Layne he can come over and cook for Andrew and I sometime.