
Why I Let My Kids Fail

I believe if you have high expectations for children they will rise to the occasion and gain self confidence in themselves through mastery obtained on their own merit. When Layne is assigned to give talks, scriptures or prayers in Primary it is his responsibility to complete such assignments NOT mine. He shares some thoughts on the topic and we discuss ideas of things to say. Layne chooses what he likes and I write it down so that he can practice the exact words throughout the week. How sweet it is to hear simple words truth repeated over and over by your little ones. It is hard work and the end result is not always rosy. I have watched Layne stand at the microphone not remembering more than one sentence (because he stubbornly rebelled against any suggestions of practicing) with the Primary Presidency and all the teachers looking to me. I held my ground, Layne whispered "I don't know it," sat down and learned what it felt like to have not prepared sufficiently. A few months later it happened again, he just didn't practice quite enough and got stuck half way through. Jarom crumbled under the pressure of the stares and I left the room fuming over the lesson lost.

Last week Brik was assigned his first talk, his compliant nature made for plenty of practice and he performed perfectly. He has been asking to talk in the microphone for the past month. He was very loud, got a few chuckles and of coarse finished with a smile. I dug back and found Layne's first talk. It was a bit more advanced and a lot more clearly said, but he was nearly 4 and Brik is barely 3. It is amazing how far they come in less than a year.
Translation?? When I was born, I already had a mom, a dad and a brother. I love them and take care of them. (It was supposed to be "They love me and take care of me" but he ad libs.) I am thankful Heavenly Father gave me a family. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


Diane said...

Brik did a great job for only 3. Good job Mom for having Layne's handy for comparison. Can't wait to see Roxwell's!!

Emily Ruth said...

So cool. I love this parenting philosophy. Thanks for sharing!