
Look Who's 10...

We are! I told Layne that we turned 10 today, he said "No, Mom. You are 18." Not too far off anyway.

Here is a tribute to 10 years with the man I love now and always.

You're Still The One
Because you...

1. Knew enough to ask me to marry you even though I was only 18.
2. Are a worthy priesthood holder and serve diligently in you callings.
3. Have never lost your temper all this time.
4. Still find me sexy after 3 kids.
5. Always notice when I've cleaned the house and never notice when it is messy.
6. Don't have to speak to be heard, we have always been able to enjoy a good silence.
7. Prefer me withOUT makeup.
8. Have the body heat of a werewolf. You can warm me up when it is cold and are the first to turn on the AC when it is hot.
9. Would rather be with me than anyone else.
10. As always, are a hottie in your peach guaravera.

You'll Always Be The One
Because you...

1. Have proven to be worthy of growing old with me by putting forth the effort to adapt our lives to sync with each other.
2. Dutifully jump at the task of changing the nastiest diapers.
3. Are quiet, loving and supportive while I cry.
4. Grant me extra winks of sleep by slipping off to work in the most soundless way.
5. Let me order at restaurants and trade meals with me if I don't like what I ordered.
6. Only use your cell phone to talk to me.
7. Have developed your skills as a sioux chef.
8. Are the best cop on the force; you treat others with respect, recognize there are no "bad guys" just people who do bad things and grant teenagers the option to involve their parents to avoid a ticket.
9. Sense when I am close to the end of my rope and swoop in to rescue me.
10. Love what I love, want what I want and are what I need for the rest of eternity.


Candice said...

I love this list. It makes me want to be a better wife. He is awesome. What a great tribute.

Emily Ruth said...

This is so great. Congrats on 10 awesome years!

Cardigan Empire said...

Happy Anniversary Kara & Jarom!! You two make such an amazing team.

Elizabeth said...

What a lovely set of lists!

Anonymous said...

Aww how Edward/Bella-ish. (The werewolf comment is ironic)

...and i just realized...if i were to follow exactly in your shoes...i would be married in a year :S DONT THINK SO!!!