
Don't Drop The Baby!

I have been pretty protective of my perfect bundle of joy. Seriously, he is PER-FECT! Every well visit he has had the doctors rave about his excellent color, strong heart, amazing muscle tone. Different doctors every time and they didn't say that with my other kids. At Roxwell's 5 day visit the doctor spent 5 full minutes listening with his stethoscope, I thought for sure something was wrong. NOPE. The doctor was just amazed at how perfect this baby could be. When my dad came to visit I was nervous to hand over my newborn to such and amateur baby holder. I warned him "don't drop the baby." Fast forward 4 months.

Layne had only been allowed to hold Roxwell while sitting on the couch. He would try to pick him up off the floor or out of his bouncer but I was watching like a hawk and swooped in at the slightest lifting. Layne has proven he loves is brother and has no malice towards him. He is super careful and yearns to take care of him like adults do. 2 weeks ago I started allowing Layne to hold Roxwell while standing on the carpet. This has gradually moved to walking and then to moving him from bouncer to couch to bumbo seat. I thought for sure this would be a short lived freedom. It is so awkward for a 5 year old to hold onto a 14 lb. squirmy thing. Just one drop and I would have an excuse for this stressful baby handling to be over.

Little did I know how quickly I would become at ease with my new baby-carrying helper. I still can't help but remind him to "be careful," pretty much constantly. But what mom doesn't?


The Blakes said...

Cute. I could definitely use a baby holder around here.

Emily Ruth said...

I think he's so perfect cause ya nourished your body perfectly during pregnancy with all those whole grains!
So I have enough people for a class--when is good for you?

Anonymous said...

Great Aunt Leann wants to know why all the band-aids on Layne's hand? Can't help it - it's the nurse in me!

Kara said...

Let's just say Aunt Leann, okay? He has one of those knuckle band aids on and it is coming off - can't believe you even spotted that. I remember putting it on and telling hep not to mess with it because he was only getting one since those are the expensive kind. I've asked Jarom and Layne and none of us remember what happened, it was THAT insignificant.