
Who Likes the Zoo?

I'm not a fan of zoo's. It's like an expensive Where's Waldo outing. You scan each exhibit looking for the hidden animal, try to get the kids to spot it with you (where, where? I don't see it..whine, whine) most of the time there is nothing even remotely interesting to be seen. Then we look at the map to find the the next ugly, stinky, dull, Waldo hiding a half a mile up a hill-- which leads to more whining (I'm tired, I can't walk anymore, will you carry me...)

Jarom was gracious enough to take the day off so that we could act like a normal family that loves the zoo--for a day.
Of coarse the boys liked the jeep and has a bazillion questions about how it got there.

The monkey villiage was actually pretty cool, the monkeys were everywhere and frolicing around. Though it was quite smelly and a little nerve racking keeping your kids from touching things and then rubbing their faces since the monkeys pee on everything. Why do they put ropes in the perfect position for 2-3 year olds to chew on?? Seriously, I saw atleast 5 kids with the rope in their mouths. Thankgoodness none were my own.

And now the pee is on my baby.

This was a pretty exhibit. I think it was new.

We walked around the bear exhibit to 3 different places and THIS was the best view.


Cardigan Empire said...

Kara, you should charge admission to come over and watch your adorable boys in their native habitat. Way too cute. I love hearing about the charmed life of your little household.

Natalie Hall said...

Kara, you kill me!!! So funny we both feel the SAME way about the zoo. Why is it the darn animals are never in sight.

Kara, this blog is adorable and why did I not know you had one. I am going to love being able to spy on you now every day. I hate how we never see one another. And your kids are of course darling. Roxwell is absolutely to die for. And you just had a babie and your amazing body is back to normal the day you give birth, wow!! You are made to make babes.. Have a wonderful Valentines....

Candice said...

I agree with the 'where's the animal' zoo experiences. I have to say, though, the Hogle Zoo in SLC is really good at creating the exhibit so that you can find the animal...it is beautiful to boot. The National Zoo in D.C. also does a pretty good job.