
We Ain't Barbie Folk

As a girl, every Christmas I could count on getting at least 1 Barbie. I never tired of them, doing their hair, putting together fashionable outfits and accessories, making them dance, or talk, or fight, or make out...(Oh, I know your Barbies made out).

Well, we are all boy around here and boys aren't so into Barbie. However, they are into these little chunks of metal they call cars. So, without hair, or clothes, or making out, what fun is a car?

Here we have the run-of-the-mill pass by.

Next, road rage.

We might happen upon the occasional pig in the mud.

It may seem leisurely until this guy shrieks “Help! I am falling. Stop. This is scary. Oh, no.” from the roof of a race car.

If a brotherly giant is causing a roadblock, we might have to build another road.

Then, the perfect spot for nap time.


Kathryn said...

too cute Kara. If only you could dub in all the sound effects that go with the cars too. Boy we have a symphony of crash boom bang all day long with our boy here!

fish said...

great post. and yes, i will admit that my barbies made out.

Rachel said...

Ty lives and breathes for cars. Our boys should get together. :)

Nancy Pitney said...

Looks like they keep themselves busy! What more could you ask for!? It was fun having you over today--your breakfast was YUMMY!

Sarah said...

Oh the joys of a boy, I love watching my kids make all the sound effects that go along with the game they are playing.