
"I Hope You Fall to China."

This is Layne lingo for the typical kids' "I hate you" (which would get him a dash of Tabasco). I think it has a nice ring, definitely more pleasant than the alternative. He has been beyond difficult, but I have kept my cool (except for that once, er or twice.) Okay I have not been all that cool, but today I'm doing better, really.
In other news, this kid has turned over a new leaf and is loving the water, even when he isn't clinging to a noodle. No real swimming yet, but he has all the motions and just needs some time to put them together.
And this little poser just learned pat-a-cake, which means it's time to break out the baby signs!

1 comment:

Nancy Pitney said...

I love Layne's creativity! You have to give him that! What cute boys in the pool--you must have so much fun!