
The Grand Finally

You know the fireworks show is too long when the kids are asking "when is it going to be over?" 40 minutes--seriously. That is too long! They all start looking the same and the oohing and ahhing are long gone after 20. What were they thinking? The evening weather was nice and we got a good parking spot at least.

This was our third year spending the Fourth up in Pine at Jarom's mom's cabin. It is just too stinking hot down here to enjoy anything outdoors. Layne is still on his terrible behavior streak, so it wasn't as fun as years past. I think we will give it one more try before we nix the tradition.


fish said...

at least your hair looks cute!

Candice said...

I agree with you on fireworks shows. Sometimes they are they have diminishing returns.

I am interested that it is Jarom's 'Mom's' cabin, and not his 'parents' cabin. I wonder what the history on that is?

Kara said...

No story. I guess it is his parent's cabin. But if you know Elaine, she runs the show. That's why it sticks out to me as his 'mom's' cabin.

Diane said...

When Kara and Kody were little, they also got bored so out came the sparklers - fun until a little finger got burned, but it sure took their attention off bordom!!!