
Bonk, Crash, Splat!

Brik is no stranger to accidents. There is something about; the counter height falling above eye level and below head level, little fingers that loose their grasp or fumble and drop things (under tables), enjoying the view from atop a bar stool, wearing shoes on the wrong feet, finding what's behind more interesting than what's in front and having an upper body that is twice the mass of the lower body-- that makes it down right hard to avoid clumsiness.

After yet another blow to the head, Brik retrieved his bicycle helmet from the garage to protect himself while he participates in the dangerous sport of cucumber eating.
Here he is showing me that even banging his head on the table is completely safe.


fish said...

so funny. reminds me of when we go bike riding and stop at the park. ian often leaves his helmet on while he's playing and i wonder if people think i'm a paranoid freak or something. i do think kids are pretty cute in a helmet, though.

Kimberly said...

Haaaahhahahaaa! So cute!