
Asparagus, Agitation and Annie

After nearly five months of being on three-kids-plus-one-mom grocery store strike, I broke. Two curious boys in the midst of two busy plumbers was just the nudge I needed to break way from the safe confines of my home and bring me to brave the elements with all three children at once doing something of my own agenda (yes, still remodeling...never ending I know, but progress nonetheless). The problems I have are 1) coordinating with the baby to go right after a feeding but before he falls asleep. 2) Brik is a straggler which is a problem in parking lots when I have the 25 pound baby carrier in my arms and the 10 pound diaper bag on my shoulder. And can be a problem in stores when my attention is on things other than how far behind me my child has gotten. 3) Pretty much everything about Layne is difficult in every situation and multiplied by three when he is with his brothers.

On our way to the store I promised a candy "if Mom has a fun time." My kids never get treats at stores, I was just THAT scared. A the store the kids did great, I think. I try to not notice what they are doing too much so that I can avoid more stress in a stressful situation. Layne picked out a head of cabbage, strawberries and asparagus (swoon). I couldn't think of any meals I would be making that I could use the cabbage for, the strawberries looked nasty, but the asparagus was a good choice...thin, crisp, inexpensive. I even let him bag it. We get to the candy, Layne chooses a sucker, Brik some sugar free orange grossness and me a dark chocolate covered carmel because I survived!

We ate the candy on the way home and the kids were beside themselves with delight. I heard things like "Why do we get to eat a treat without vegetables?" and "I like to go to that store." and "My sucker has gum in it!!" and "When can I eat my asparagus?" When we got home it was time for Layne to get ready for school so I promised asparagus when he got home. Layne's at school, I cook, clean, shower and feed the baby.

Before I know it, Layne is home wanting asparagus RIGHT NOW. Sorry Layne, I was busy. I still need to cook it. Melt down, crazed body movements, lemonade on the floor. Clean up your mess, Layne. NO! Layne goes to his room. PEACE. Well except for the hate exploding from the corner of the house. "I am not going to clean up my mess, I am going to just dump out everything in the refrigerator. I will never, never like you forever, ever, ever!" After hearing this 452675349 times, it almost is endearing.

I fix my face, then talk to Layne. Layne cleans up his mess. Brik wants to play with his brother. The floor is still sticky, so I get a soapy rag. Layne is running around, into the bathroom, slams the door, Brik is banging on it. I go and talk to them about playing quietly or going outside because the baby is sleeping. I am looking up a recipe, Brik is playing with a firetruck. Layne is screaming, the baby wakes up. I am changing Rowell's diaper, Layne is climbing on the entertainment center. I am washing the asparagus, Layne picks up Roxwell in a not gentle way, baby is crying. I am holding the baby and washing asparagus. Layne is rubbing the cheese grater on the handle of the dishwasher. I am now putting away things on the counter that Layne might feel the urge to be destructive with. Brik is crying, Layne is running with the firetruck . I set a timer for 5 more minutes then it is Layne's turn. Layne takes it away again. Layne goes to his room. PEACE. I now have the asparagus seasoned and pan heating. Layne has agreed to play nice. I add oil to the pan. Layne wants to help, he is crowding the stove. I drop in the asparagus, sizzle, pop, ouch, cry, hug, hug. Layne has a pan now he is using it "to protect me from the pops" Even harder drop, flip and remove asparagus from the pan.

We sit down to eat, one bite, "I don't like it." Brik and I chow, Layne complains and decides he wants to save it for dad and just eat snacks at the play. Of coarse that idea was shot down. Layne was able to force down a decent amount of asparagus, that was actually very tasty, and enjoy his snacks at the play.

I loved Brik's retelling once we returned home. "The mean sister woke everybody up when they were sleeping. The mean mommy is mean and scary, I don't like her. The sister has a red shirt and a red jacket, she matched. I liked the dog, he was nice."

So yesterday kicked my butt. I wanted to give Layne to Miss Hannagan and never look back. It took me some extra time to unwind and fall asleep last night. Today is better, today is good, today I have help. Jarom is home, I feel calm again.

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