
Preschool Smeschool

I have felt a little guilty with my decsision not to send Brik to preschool. It is mostly about money ($100 a month is a bill I can do without, thank you), but also because Brik is so easy to be around. Working around a preschool schedule would be more of a hassle than a break. With Layne it was more about the structure for him and the peace for me.

No worries, the priveldged older brother teaches Brik everything he needs to know. He works with him on counting, singing, reading, writing and even speech. Brik soaks it all in and copies it to the best of his ability. He is such a great student.

Layne made these stick puppets at school. He is going to be in his first school production next week. He plays the dish who runs away with the spoon.


Candice said...

That is impressive. He only missed the sport part, which is totally unnecessary. Older brothers are the best. He has a great one.

Nancy Pitney said...

That was sweet! What a fun thing to have an older brother to teach you!