
Oinkity, Oink, Oinker

There are days that are spent in their entirety eating food. Never much of an eater before, Brik has suddenly become quite the oinker. The past few months he will eat until his little tummy is busting out his sides, it really is a strange phenomenon to see with your own eyes. Without the third dimension, the pictures really don’t give the full effect. His skin gets so tight over his hard-as-a-rock abdomen, while his sides bulge over his bitty hips.

This is the pre-binge-belly.
It all starts with a cucumber.

And by bed time you have this.

And this. Ey yi yi.


Nancy Pitney said...

That is so cute! It's so funny how they have no room to hide the expansion of their stomachs!

Candice said...

That is amazing. At least it is filled with cucumbers. Ice cream would not give you the same first picture affect.

Ingrid said...

That is fun to see. Juliana's tummy does the same thing. I'm always amazed at how big it is at bed time yet completely flat when she wakes up in the morning!

fish said...

wish mine worked like that. unfortunately, my stomach doesn't magically go down anymore.

Angie said...