
How Sweet it is to be Loved By You

Layne's first baby sign was "food", Briks first sign was "more", Roxwell's is "I love you." This kid is so sweet. He throws out the sign when he sees us in the morning, smiles when we sign it to him and he will sign it right back. So now you know when this munchkin is gazing your way with his arm in your direction and his fingers all funky -- that just means he is sweet on you too.


Nancy Pitney said...

That is too cute! How lucky to have such a great number 3!

Jessica said...

Hope you don't mind that I check out your family blog! That's actually how I found so many more great resources- Nourished Kitchen, Cheeseslave, and the like. I am a speech pathologist and fully support baby sign as an important language tool- sounds like you discovered the benefits a long time ago. I am only personally discovering now, but plan to teach all my little ones. I'm surprised at the "I love you!" Definitely a more complex sign and concept!

BTW your older boys are so handsome.


Kara said...

Yes, very lucky.

I am glad you make use of the resources. I don't put them on my other blog because they are not totally in line with what I believe...like the unbelieveable amount of meat they use.

Roxwell seems to be a deep thinker and quite the family boy. I realized he actually new what the sign meant one day when I was picking him up from my friends who had been watching him. This girl is super sweet and my kids always take to her early on. When he did that sign to her, my heart melted because I knew how well taken care of my kids were at her house and even a baby can recognize good care.

Jessica said...

That is so adorable.

I totally agree about the meat! Just curious, do you feel the same way about the Weston A. Price Foundation? Perhaps this was not his intent, but the current advocates seem to really push it with the meat...?

Kara said...

Yes, completely. That's what a lot of those blogs use as their Bible. I think the foundation is a wealth of good information, I love their push for raw milk, organic, pastured animals, whole foods and the like. I think they are pushing the meat too hard simply because our maker is very specific in the scriptures when he says "sparingly" and not "feast on" or "as the staff of life" when referring to meat.

I do think sparingly can be safely taken to different degrees. While the foundation teaches veganism is dangerous, it does not say the only way to be healthy is to eat an abundance of meat. So finding the right balance is key.