
Egg-citing Easter

Just because you say something is exciting, does that make it so? The Easter Bunny hid the eggs two by two.
So when big brother was happy...little brother was happy.
It was fun to see the kids get excited about every silly little thing they got.
We have 8am church, so they were in the process of getting dressed during their Easter Egg Hunt.
Yes, they got bananas in their Easter Baskets. That bunny sure was thinking ahead because it is breakfast time. Layne has this quirk where he eats treats in order from least to most favorite. It must be hereditary because I vividly remember doing this as a child. He started with his M&M's and marshmallows and ended with a dried apple and strawberry. What good taste he has.
This is Brik the next morning after playing with silly putty in bed, it was stuck pretty good in the peach fuzz down his neck.

Jarom and I got to do the Narration of the Easter Cantata at church. It was a really nice program and we didn't have to deal with distracting children who ate M&M's for breakfast.

1 comment:

Candice said...

8:00 a.m. church. I have never heard so early. It might be a little difficult for me. I love our 1:00 p.m. time, even though I thought that I never would. All of my callings are Sunday ones, so it gives me time to prepare.

I love the two by two idea. Smart Mom.

Also, I love that you feed them so healthy; bananas and dried fruit in their easter baskets. Super Mom.