
Go Away, Big Green Monster!

So they are not big, or green, but I do want them to go away. They are tormenting me, I hate to itch! Now they have gone too far. They are attacking the littlest Bagley and I am furious. Not just a bite here and there, 20 at one time, he looks diseased.

Roxwell is having a terrible reaction to mosquito bites. They get huge and inflamed, then bulge with a fluid-filled blister and finally a large open sore that heals to a lovely scar. Every day I am redressing his bandages to keep out infection. I have to keep him in pants day and night, otherwise he goes nuts with the itching and rips the Band-Aids to shreds. Poor guy, the itching, the sweating, the “ouch” of pulling 5 Band-Aids of in one sitting…
At least he is getting some teething out of the way through his misery. One top tooth is through and the other is close. They are big, this makes me happy, let’s dwell on the happy.


The Blakes said...

Ouch. I'm so sad for him - hope he gets better soon!

fish said...

i have just one word for this post: gross. okay, maybe 2: sad. the end.

Becky said...

Oh poor Roxwell! We have a mosquito catcher (it is not the buzzing kind, but I think we do have that kind too) and you MUST take them to his bedroom and see if this slows those blood suckers down!