
Mermicorn Pride

The 2009 Bagley Family Reunion was a hit. We all spent three days up in Pine at Jarom's parent's cabin. The accommodations were as good as it gets with 8 families in the same space. The weather was so perfect. The best thing about this reunion was having it catered. Preparing food for 50 people is time consuming and stressful which often delivers pretty awful meals. We were so lucky to have a friend of the family who was willing to do all the work and put together some delicious stuff. My favorites were the homemade bread sticks with caramelized onion and feta , strawberry cheesecake pancakes, breakfast burritos (especially loved the salsa, I got the recipe), and homemade caramelized onion mayonnaise. And we will never forget the experience while sporting these reunion t-shirts.
Nightly Laser Tag
Playing Badminton

Playing Ticket to Ride
First time ever avoiding 24 hours of car sickness after the drive up (thanks essential oils)
Sister Spa Night (facials, massage, pedicures)

Shooting BB guns
Shrinky dinks
Picnic in the park
Jumping on the trampoline
Playing in the waterfall
Squirt guns

Lots of attention
Looking at Baby Charlie
That's about it before he got sick the second night.

Activities that were probably highlights for other people
Montezuma's Castle; sight seeing is not our thing
Jewelry making; I love to make jewelery when I have one on one assistance, too amateur to make along side my exceedingly creative sister in laws.
Monday Night Devotional; Bagleys can be a little long-winded and there are a lot of them, so it was a L-O-N-G one.


Rachel said...

Sounds fun! What's a family reunion without a few quirks.

fish said...

i always wondered what a mermicorn was and why they would never cure me. thanks for clearing it all up for me.

Candice said...

Your family is so awesome.

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.